Child Baptism

MINISTER:(opening prayer) “Let us Pray. Sweet Precious Spirit, we acknowledge Your loving presence in this room today. We have gathered for the celebration of the spiritual baptism of (baby’s full name) ____ – one of Your very own. We ask that You be with us and guide us through this blessed event. We pray this is in the name and after the nature of Jesus the Christ. Amen.”

MINISTER:(to parents) “You have brought here this little one, remembering that before he/she was yours, he/she was a child of our Father in heaven. It is your privilege to stand sponsor for him/her. Guard well this trust.”

“I read to you from Mark 10:13-16. People were bringing little children to Jesus to have him touch them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.’ And he took the children in his arms, put his hands on them, and blessed them.”

“And now realizing the love of Spirit toward this His child, let us pray. Precious Spirit, we give thanks that Your love is ever present – and that You remember little children and enfold them in Your great heart of love. Increase in us our awareness of Your love and of a child-like spirit of Faith and Trust; and this little one; quicken him/her, O Holy Spirit.”
“Fill his/her human nature with Your Divine nature, that he/she maybe wholly consecrated to Your love. Bless us with the grace of spiritual perception that we, as his/her sponsors in Your name, may worthily minister to and instruct him/her so that he/she may grow – in wisdom and stature and in knowledge of Your loving presence. This we ask in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.”

MINISTER:(to parents) “This child comes to you endowed with infinite possibilities of good. He/she comes to teach you as well as to learn from you. Today you seek God’s gracious approval of the trust He places in you, and of your acceptance of it. We believe and affirm that you are worthy and well qualified to fulfill the obligations of your sponsorship to raise in grace and Truth this child committed for a time to your care.”

“I will now read to you the Baptismal Covenant you are making with your child today:”

“To our child, (baby’s first name) ____ we pledge our love. In doing this, we seek to live our life in such a way that our footsteps in the sands of life will lead you in ways that will result in you fulfilling your divine purpose.”
“We pledge to you that we will look beyond appearances to behold your indwelling Christ Self, and in so doing, encourage you to express your perfect Self through your words and actions.”
“We will believe in your dreams, understand your doubts, walk with you in your fears, laugh with you, play with you, and grow with you in all your days.”
“We commit ourselves to tell the truth to you in love, to nurture and nourish our own personal relationship with God so that you might come to know that your relationship with God, our Source, is now and will always be your PRIMARY relationship. And in seeing our example, you will learn to keep your own counsel with God, moment by moment.”
“This is our covenant to you. In return for this pledge to you, we ask that you so believe in ‘our’ belief in you, that this belief will support you in choosing thoughts, behaviors, and activities that are worthy of you, God’s holy and beloved child.”
“If this is indeed, your pledge and covenant with your child, please answer: ‘We do.'”

PARENTS: “We do.”
MINISTER: “As you say aloud the full name of your child, may your words be a prayer for wisdom and guidance. Will you name this child?”
PARENTS: “(baby’s full name) ________.”
MINISTER: “(baby’s full name) ______, I baptize you in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

MINSTER:(to grandparents, godparents and congregation) “We are here to welcome (baby’s first name) _______ into our spiritual family and pray for him/her. You, Grandparents, Godparents, and congregation are included in this celebration because your prayers and future involvement in his/her spiritual life will add immeasurably to his/her spiritual development. It has been said recently that, ‘It takes a village to raise a child.’ As his/her spiritual family – his/her spiritual village – we are each caretakers of (baby’s first name) ______ spirit and higher mind. May we fulfill with strength – the glory of our spiritual role in his/her life. We join our thoughts and sincere goodwill, asking that a mantle of love and peace might embrace him/her – and an arc of God’s light surround him/her for all his/her days.”

“We have joined together on this day to celebrate (baby’s first name) _______ spiritual baptism. We pray for the life and well being of this glorious, unique expression of God. Please join me now in a moment of silent prayer for this precious spirit. See him/her bathed in the loving, peaceful light of Spirit, walking confidently in the guiding light. And now bring your attention back to this moment in space and time.”

MINISTER:(to parents) “We are a spiritual family now – for we have prayed with you and joined our hearts with yours. Your prayers are our prayers that you might have a life filled with the love and righteousness of the Christ spirit. The spirit of God is with you always, to guide you and bless you.”

“And now will the congregation please join me in recognizing (baby’s first name) ______wholeness and his/her perfection – join me in recognizing the Christ Light that (baby’s first name) ______ brings by singing…”

(Suggested Song: “I Behold the Christ In You.”)

Ceremony written by Unity Worldwide Ministries