Divorce Ceremony

MINISTER: “_____ and ____, we have come here today to share in a loving act of dissolution not usually experienced when two people who were united have decided to walk separate paths in their lives. It is right and fitting that we begin this time with a word of prayer.”

“Father-Mother-God, we acknowledge Your presence here with us today as these two people begin new life experiences independent of one another. May they always know that You are with them as a source of strength to meet each new challenge of life. May each person know You are there to walk new paths of love and to fill each person’s heart anew. Your strength, light and love shall never fail them, now or in the days to come. And so it is. Amen.”

“_____ and ____, there are many ceremonies that we participate in throughout our lives. Some are joy filled and happy, some filled with awe and wonder, while others may be filled with sadness and grief. Yet, all are rites of passage – passage from one state of being to another. Today, we are participating in a rite of passage from a state of union to a state of separation. And we would endeavor to make that passage as gentle as possible without denying the pain that each of you may be feeling.”

“You have taken the steps that have legally divided you into independent persons. And you are now ready to walk paths that can pave the way to a new, freestanding relationship that can have very special qualities of respect and friendship.”

“Each of you is ready to look for and find a new sense of purpose that is truly your own. But in order that you may do this successfully, it is necessary to release the past – the old hurts, fears, frustrations and any negative thoughts and emotions that might block your way. You have each written these on sheets of paper and brought them with you that they may be symbolically released in the cleansing fire. As you set fire to the paper, may you experience the activity of Spirit purifying your minds and hearts and may you release all that has gone before lovingly into the hands of the Father.”

“___ and _____, are you ready to light the papers you have written for this occasion?”

“As you light your paper, would you each please say, “I choose to let go and let the past be consumed by the fire of Spirit.”


Lighting of the papers


“Having released the past you are now ready to forge new identities that are authentically yours alone. As you do this you may run into resistance from within yourselves as you let go of the protective supports you found in one another. You may find a fear of standing along – yet, know at the depths of your being, you are never alone. God is with you – a present help – now and always.”

“Let God’s strength support you as you do some natural grieving for the relationship of marriage which is passing away. Let God’s light reveal new power to take responsibility for your lives so that you may express your full potential. Let God’s love renew within you a sense of your sacred selfhood that it may flower again.”

“Let it happen in each of you. Let the feelings be. Let the changes happen. Let yourselves move into a new capacity to live and love. And let the peace of God fill your mind and hearts now and always. And so it is.”

Ceremony written by Unity Worldwide Ministries